Tapestry 2011 Workshops

Department of
Computer & Information Sciences
University of Delaware
Newark, DE 19716

Department of
Computer Science
Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, TN 38505

Department of
Computer Science
University of Virginia
Charlottesville, VA 22903

If you are interested in

and are teaching at a high school in the USA, then we invite you to apply to our summer workshops on attracting and engaging diverse high school students to computer science.

Thanks to National Science Foundation in support of the TAG project (Teachers Attracting Girls to Computing) and the Tapestry Project (Weaving a Diverse Computing Community), the workshops will be tuition-free with lodging and meals provided.

Honorariums of $1,000 will assist attendees with time and travel costs, and show our appreciation for their participation in the assessment of the workshop program and activities.

The workshop will be offered three times this summer. Although the workshops will have some differences in speakers, all three workshops will focus on diversity.

June 28 - 30, 2011


Host: University of Virginia
Workshop application web site: www.tapestryworkshop.org

July 5 - 7, 2011


Host: Tennessee Technological University
Workshop application web site: www.ttutapestry.org

July 26 - 28, 2011


Host: University of Delaware
Workshop application web site: www.cis.udel.edu/~pollock/UDoCS/

The goals of the workshop are to share strategies, practices, and good ideas for teaching computer science. During the workshop, you will also learn about our strong commitment to undergraduate education.

Workshop participants will

It is permissible to apply to any or all three workshops. However, our preference is to maximize the number of different attendees across all workshops.

For general information about the TAG and Tapestry projects contact Joanne McGrath Cohoon at joanne.cohoon@virginia.edu or (434) 243-2143.

For information about the University of Virginia 2011 Tapestry Workshop, contact me, Jim Cohoon, at cohoon@virginia.edu or (434) 982-2210, the workshop administrative assistant Ms. Beth Shannon at bethshannon@virginia.edu or (434) 982.2200 or visit our web site www.tapestryworkshop.org.

For information about the Tennessee Tech 2011 Tapestry Workshop, contact Professors Ambareen Siraj or Martha Kosa at tapestry@csc.tntech.edu or (931) 372-3691, or visit their web site www.ttutapestry.org.

For information about the University of Delaware 2011 Tapestry Workshop, contact Professor Lori Pollock at pollock@cis.udel.edu or (302) 831-1953, or visit their web site www.cis.udel.edu/~pollock/UDoCS/.


Jim Cohoon, Associate Chair

Department of Computer Science
221 Olsson Hall
151 Engineer's Way
Charlottesville, VA 22904-4740

Office phone: (434) 982-2210
Email: cohoon@virginia.edu
URL: www.cs.virginia.edu/cohoon