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Information on Visual C++ and MFC

First, I highly recommend the book:
Getting Started with Microsoft Visual C++ 6 with an Intro. to MFC, by Deitel et. al. This is a very good, concise guide to beginning Windows programming with MFC. It does not rely on using Wizards, which seems to be a good thing. Also, it has a good, concise intro to using the Visual Studio development environment, including the debugger.
At $15 it is a great deal, though you won't go wrong if you buy Schildt's MFC book below (but no VC++ info in that). You might want to compare them and see what you think.
Here are two professional on-line tutorials on MFC and using VC++'s Wizards to build applications using the MFC. (Do them in the order given.) There are other tutorials on programming topics, part of the DevCentral Learning Center, a collection of high quality training materials for beginners and advanced programmers alike.
There seems to be a debate on whether a book should start with using AppWizard and ClassWizard. Many seem to suggest that learning AppWizard first is not preferred because you quickly get to a point where you do not understand what it's built for you. Thus perhaps it's best to work through the two tutorials above, and then if you do want a book, try the following, which do not rely on the AppWizard. (Note: I've selected these based on price, on reviews on and other places, and my own quick inspection in the bookstore.)
  1. MFC Programming from the Ground Up, by Herbert Schildt. Price: $35 list.
  2. Visual C++ MFC Programming by Example, by John E. Swanke. Price: $50 list.

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