MP3—Retrieval Functions

In this assignment, you will complete the retrieval pipeline we have built with the Lucene toolkit since MP1, with a special focus on document ranking. We are aware that some of the functions already exist in Lucene, but we'd like you to add them yourself for this assignment. This assignment is a group assignment, i.e., one report per group. And you are supposed to work with your course project teammates to finish this assignment.

The assignment is composed of the following parts consisting of 100 total points:

  • Overview of Retrieval Models
    • Boolean model
    • Vector space models: TF-IDF dot product, Okapi BM25 and pivoted length normalization
    • Language models: Jelinek-Mercer and Dirichlet prior smoothing
  • Scoring functions in Lucene (30 points)
  • Running Lucene
  • Questions (70 points)

The 30 points in the scoring functions are for coding completion -- it has to be done in the correct way, and you need to explain your implementation in your report (paste the modified code section).

The 70 points are for correct, justified answers to the questions at the end, and reasonable search performance generated by your implementations.

Your implementation of MP3 should be largely based on what you already have in MP2. Please download the provided instruction here, and follow it to add the necessary new files and changes into your MP2 project for this assignment. To help you better finish MP3, we provide a reference solution for calculating the required IR evaluation metrics. You can directly replace your implementation with this one.

In the next section, we'll give a brief overview of the six retrieval functions you'll need to implement.

Boolean Models

$$ r(q,d)=\sum_{w\in q\cap d} 1 $$

Vector Space Models

TF-IDF dot product

$$ r(q,d)=\sum_{w\in q\cap d} \big(1+\log c(w,d)\big)\cdot \log\left(\frac{N + 1}{df}\right) $$


  • $c(w;d)$ is the count of word $w$ in the document $d$
  • $N$ is the total number of documents, and
  • $df$ is the document frequency.

Okapi BM25

Parameters: $k_1\in [1.2,2],k_2\in (0,1000],b\in[0.75,1.2]$.

$$ r(q,d)=\sum_{w\in q\cap d} \ln\left(\frac{N-df+0.5}{df+0.5}\right) \cdot \frac{(k_1 + 1)\cdot c(w;d)}{k_1(1 - b + b\frac{n}{n_{avg}}) + c(w;d)} \cdot \frac{(k_2 + 1)\cdot c(w;q)}{k_2+c(w;q)} $$


  • $c(w;q)$ is the count of word $w$ in query $q$
  • $n$ is the document length, and
  • $n_{avg}$ is the average document length.

Pivoted Length Normalization

Parameter: $s\in [0,1]$.

$$ r(q,d)=\sum_{w\in q\cap d} \frac{1+\ln\Big(1 + \ln\big(c(w;d)\big)\Big)}{1 - s + s\frac{n}{n_{avg}}} \cdot c(w;q) \cdot \ln\left(\frac{N+1}{df}\right)$$

This is another version of TF normalization, which we did not cover in our course lecture. The notations follow those in Okapi BM25.

Language Models

As we have discussed in class the language models rank documents according to query likelihood:

$$ r(q,d) = \sum_{w\in q} \log p(w|d) $$

After proper smoothing, the scoring functions for Language Models become,

$$ r(q,d) = \sum_{w\in q\cap d} \log\frac{p_s(w|d)}{\alpha_d p(w|C)} + |q|\log\alpha_d $$

In the following two language model retrieval functions, we define different smoothing strategies. You can then plug these two smoothed document language models into the general language model formula above, and we will only use unigram language models.

Jelinek-Mercer Smoothing

Parameter: $\lambda\in[0,1]$.

$$p_s(w|d) = (1-\lambda)p_{ml}(w|d)+\lambda p(w|C)$$

where $p_{ml}$ is the maximum likelihood estimation. This is also called linear interpolation smoothing, accordingly $\alpha_d=\lambda$.

Dirichlet Prior Smoothing

Parameter: $\mu>0$. Emperically value for $\mu$ lies in the range of 2000 to 3000.

$$p_s(w|d) = \frac{c(w;d) + \mu p(w|C)}{n + \mu}$$

Accordingly $\alpha_d=\frac{\mu}{\mu+n}$

Scoring Functions in Lucene

In Lucene, all the retrieval functions have the following function signature to score an individual query term against a given document:

protected float score(BasicStats stats, float termFreq, float docLength)
   return 0;

This would be equivalent to one term in each sum above; this function is called once per word in the query for each document where that word occurs. Once all the documents are scored, Lucene outputs a list of documents ranked by their score.

The BasicStats object has the following functions that will be useful:

  • getAvgFieldLength(): average document length
  • getNumberOfDocuments(): total number of documents in the index
  • getDocFreq(): the number of documents the current term appears in

For the language models, you will need the additional functionality of the member variable model, which is of type LMSimilarity.DefaultCollectionModel. It has the following function that will be of use:

  • computeProbability(stats): computes $p(w|C)$ taking the BasicStats object described above as a paramter

For the language models, also note:

  • To compute $p_{ml}(w|d)$, you can use two existing variables
  • There is a member variable queryLength that you can use for the value of $|q|$

Your task is to complete the score function for each of the six retrieval models listed above. All the retrieval models are located in the package edu.virginia.cs.index.similarities.

Implementation Details

  • If there are parameters in the scoring function (e.g., as in BM25), it's probably easiest to add these as member variables (e.g., as a constant)
  • You can use any logical values for parameters that you'd like
  • You may assume that the queries are short -- that is, you may assume that the query term frequency is always one. This simplifies your code a bit.
  • Default values in the ranking functions: 1) in Okapi BM25, set $k_1=1.5$, $k_2=750$ and $b=1.0$; 2) in Pivoted Length Normalization, set $s=0.75$; 3) in Jelinek-Mercer smoothing, set $\lambda=0.1$; and 4) in Dirichlet Prior smoothing, set $\mu=2500$.

Running Lucene

Creating an index

We will use the same the NPL dataset of physics paper titles provided in MP2. And based on what you have learned in MP2, we will build the same Lucene inverted index on it.

Two different main functions are provided in the file. You can read the comments and decide which one you will use.

Searching the index

Keep in mind the documents you're searching are physics paper titles. You can also specify which retrieval function to use when starting the search engine.

The complete list of options is

--dp     Dirichlet Prior
--jm     Jelinek-Mercer
--ok     Okapi BM25
--pl     Pivoted Length Normalization
--tfidf  TFIDF Dot Product
--bdp    Boolean Dot Product


  1. Copy and paste your implementation of each ranking algorithm, together with the corresponding final MAP/P@10/MRR/NDCG@10 performance you get from each ranking function. Use the default parameter settings suggested here (30pts)

  2. Please carefully tune the parameters in BM25 and Dirichlet prior smoothed Language Model. Report the best MAP you have achieved and corresponding parameter settings. (20pts)

  3. With the default document analyzer, choose one or two queries, where Pivoted Length Normalization model performed significantly better than BM25 model in average precision, and analyze what is the major reason for such improvement? Perform the same analysis for Pivoted Length Normalization v.s. Dirichlet Prior smoothed Language Model, and BM25 v.s. Dirichlet Prior smoothed Language Model, and report your corresponding analysis (using your best parameters for BM25 and Dirichlet Prior smoothed Language Model). (20pts)

  4. Pick one of the previously implemented scoring functions out of

    • Okapi BM25
    • Pivoted Length Normalization
    • Language Model with Dirichlet Smoothing

to analyze under what circumstance the chosen scoring function will mistakenly favor some less relevant document (i.e., ranks a less relevant document at a higher position than a more relevant one). Please correspond your analysis with what you have found in Problem 3.

After reading the paper An Exploration of Axiomatic Approaches to Information Retrieval, 1) can you briefly summarize the major contribution of this paper? 2) how do you think you can fix the problem you have identified in the ranking result analysis? Please relate your solution and corresponding implementation in the report. Also report the resulting ranking performance of your revised ranking algorithm. (30pts)

Deadlines & How to submit

This assignment is due on May 14th 11:59pm. Therefore, you have in total 15 days to finish this MP. Please note this is already the last day of this semester, and thus we cannot afford any late submission in this assignment.

The collab assignment page has been created for this MP. Please submit your written report strictly following the requirement specified above. The report must be in PDF format.