Computer Science 451
(fall 2005)

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Advanced Computer Architecture: 
A Microprocessor Survey

The Fall 2005 course on Advanced Computer Architecture will survey the architecture and organization of some current high-performance microprocessors and explore new, aggressive architectures being proposed in the research literature. We will:

The class will be strongly discussion oriented.  Hopefully in the process, we will expose some of the subtle tradeoffs that make architecture such a challenging area.  Much of the course will be structured around presentations by teams of students.  For their presentations, students will be expected to gather relevant source material from the published literature, the Web, or inquiries made to the manufacturers.

Prerequisite: CS 333: Computer Architecture

CPU Info

As we survey our processors, we have put together web pages with links to useful documents and our own summary presentations.   Please note that these presentation files represent the students' findings and conclusions at the time of their presentations in the fall of 2005. 

Last updated: 8 Dec. 2009
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