''' Support your understanding of lists built-in support ''' # get some lists print() s = "we are in it together" values = [ ] stuff = [ 'abc', 1112, 2.71, ] digits = [ 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6 ] words = s.split() # determine their sizes vlen = len( values ) slen = len( stuff ) dlen = len( digits ) wlen = len( words ) # report their sizes print( "size of", values, "=", vlen ) print() print( "size of", stuff, "=", slen ) print() print( "size of", digits, "=", dlen ) print() print( "size of", words, "=", wlen ) print(); input( "Enter when ready: " ); print() # determine the max and min of the homogeneous lists dmax = max( digits ) dmin = min( digits ) wmax = max( words ) wmin = min( words ) print( "max of", digits, "=", dmax ) print( "min of", digits, "=", dmin ) print() print( "max of", words, "=", wmax ) print( "min of", words, "=", wmin ) print()