;;; ;;; Name: _______________________________________ ;;; ps4.ss ;;; UVA CS150 Fall 2005 ;;; Problem Set 4 ;;; (load "lorenz.ss") ;;; ;;; Question 1: (remember to turn in your answers on paper or write it here) ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 2: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 3: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 4: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 5: ;;; ;;; a. ;;; b. ;;; c. ;;; ;;; Question 6: ;;; ;;; Explain why your procedure is Theta(n) where n is the number of ;;; elements in the first operand list. ;;; ;;; Question 7: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 8: ;;; ;;; Decrypt this ciphertext to demonstrate your Lorenz-breaking procedure. (define ciphertext "GR-!-EN .H.CVZQZMRRFKSF QV*L!LO-TP IY,PG.VUPNWKSNBVRUEW COXORUVJJNVD-SL*ZYCZVSU. MQTNLU PBEJ-FJVSF CXRUER KZOEGUUBLWKUVBW,MYEWM.RLST,OZIKKW*ZUUUUVSWWXQXH,IITOMQG VUUXA*JSGWSACW.") ;;; ;;; Question 9: ;;;