import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Random; public class ComputerTank extends Tank{ // OVERVIEW: A ComputerTank is a Tank object that walks randomly when the UserTank // is not in its line of sight. When the UserTank is in its line of sight, it will // the UserTank and try to move toward the UserTank. private boolean inTurn; protected int pts; //points earned when this got kill protected int xps; //experiences earned when this got kill protected int iq; //how smart this is. 0< iq <20 //used with rd to statistically determine the action to take in executeTurn() protected Random rd = new Random(); public ComputerTank() { inTurn = false; this.hp = 2; this.speed = 200; this.orient = Direction.SOUTH; this.pts = 10; this.xps = 5; = 10; } public ComputerTank(int speed,int hp,Direction or){ inTurn = false; this.hp = hp; this.speed = speed; this.orient = or; this.pts = 10; this.xps = 5; = 10; } public ComputerTank(int speed,int hp,Direction or,int pts, int xps, int iq){ inTurn = false; this.hp = hp; this.speed = speed; this.orient = or; this.pts = pts; this.xps = xps; = iq; } public void setPoint(int pts){ this.pts = pts; } public void setXp(int xps){ this.xps = xps; } synchronized public void die(){ super.die(); dropItem(); decreaseNumEnemies(); increaseStatus(pts,xps); //System.out.println("Number of enemies left : "+numEnemies); } public void dropItem(){ if(items[0]!=null){ synchronized(getGrid()){ try{ items[0].mx=getX(); items[0].my=getY(); getGrid().setObjectAt(getX(),getY(),items[0]); }catch(BadLocationException be){ ; } } } } public Direction isInLineOfSight(){ //Effects: return the Direction of a UserTank object if it is in this's line of sight. // Otherwise, return null. // line of sight mean this can see a UserTank directly(=with nothing between them) int x = getX(); int y = getY(); //West for(int i=x-1;i>=0;i--){ SimObject so = getGrid().getObjectAt(i,y); if(so==null) continue; if( (so instanceof Block)||(so instanceof ComputerTank) ){ break; }else{ if(so instanceof UserTank){ return Direction.WEST; } } } //East for(int i=x+1;i=0;i--){ SimObject so = getGrid().getObjectAt(x,i); if(so==null) continue; if( (so instanceof Block)||(so instanceof ComputerTank) ){ break; }else{ if(so instanceof UserTank){ return Direction.NORTH; } } } //South for(int i=y+1;iiq){ moveDir(dir); }else{ if(orient.equals(dir)){ shoot(); }else{ moveDir(dir); } } }else{ dir = Direction.randomDirection4(); moveDir(dir); } inTurn = false; } } public Color getColor() { if(inTurn){ return Color.white; } else{ return; } } //@nowarn Post // ESC/Java doesn't know Color constants are not null }