import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Color; public class DemolationTank extends ComputerTank{ //Overview: DemolationTank is a ComputerTank that runs into // UserTank and explodes itself. When it explodes, it will // destroy all Block objects nearby. // The range of the explosion is 5 by 5 squares centered at this. protected boolean explosion = false; public DemolationTank(){ super(100,1,Direction.SOUTH); setPoint(30); setXp(10); } public void drawGun(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h){ //Effects: draw the gun according to the orientation g.setColor(; int midx = x + w/2; int midy = y + h/2; if(orient.equals(Direction.NORTH)){ g.fillRect(midx-w/4-1,y,w/2,h/2); } else if(orient.equals(Direction.SOUTH)){ g.fillRect(midx-w/4-1,midy-1,w/2,h/2); } else if(orient.equals(Direction.WEST)){ g.fillRect(x,midy-h/4,w/2,h/2); } else if(orient.equals(Direction.EAST)){ g.fillRect(midx-1,midy-h/4,w/2,h/2); } } synchronized public void moveDir(Direction dir){ //Modifies: this //Effects: move this one block in dir Direction // but if there is a UserTank on that block, explodes itself if(hp<=0) return; synchronized(getGrid()){ if(dir.equals(orient)){ int newx = getX()+dir.easterlyDirection(); int newy = getY()-dir.northerlyDirection(); if (getGrid().validLocation(newx, newy)) { if (getGrid().isSquareEmpty(newx, newy)) { //@nowarn Pre setLocation(newx,newy); }else { SimObject so = getGrid().getObjectAt(newx,newy); if(so instanceof UserTank){ explode(); } } } }else{ orient = dir; } } } synchronized public void explode(){ //Modifies: this //Effects: decreaseHP of SimObject nearby. If a SimObject nearby is a Blcok, // destroy it. explosion=true; int newx=0, newy =0; SimObject so; for(int i=-2;i<=2;i++){ for(int j=-2;j<=2;j++){ newx=getX()+i; newy=getY()+j; if(getGrid().validLocation(newx,newy)){ if(!getGrid().isSquareEmpty(newx,newy)){ so = getGrid().getObjectAt(newx,newy); if(i!=0||j!=0){ if(so instanceof Block){ //destroy the Block so.die(); }else{ so.decreaseHP(5-(Math.abs(i)+Math.abs(j))); //don't kill yourself yet } } } } } } } synchronized public void die(){ if(explosion==false){ explode(); }else{ super.die(); } } public void drawImage(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h){ if(explosion==false){ drawGun(g,x,y,w,h); g.setColor(Color.magenta); g.fillRect(x+w/5,y+h/5,3*w/5,3*h/5); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawLine(x+w/5+2,y+h/5+2,x+4*w/5-4,y+4*h/5-3); g.drawLine(x+4*w/5-4,y+h/5+2,x+w/5+2,y+4*h/5-3); }else{ drawExplosion(g,x,y,w,h); die(); } } public void drawExplosion(Graphics g, int x, int y, int w, int h){ int newx=0, newy =0; for(int i=-2;i<=2;i++){ for(int j=-2;j<=2;j++){ newx=getX()+i; newy=getY()+j; if(getGrid().validLocation(newx,newy)){ g.setColor(; g.drawOval(x+i*w-1,y+j*h-1,w-3,h-3); } } } } public void executeTurn() throws RuntimeException // Note: requires isInitialized is inherited from SimObject // EFFECTS: If there is an UserTank in this's line of sight, // move toward that direction. // Otherwise, move randomly. { if(dead){ delay(3600000); //sleep for an hour } delay(TURN_DELAY+speed); if(explosion==false){ synchronized(getGrid()){ Direction dir =isInLineOfSight(); if(dir!=null){ moveDir(dir); }else{ dir = Direction.randomDirection4(); moveDir(dir); } } } } }