import java.util.Vector; import; public class Pad { // Note: if you have Java 1.4, you can use assert instead static private void check (boolean b, String s) { if (!b) { System.err.println ("Assertion failed: " + s); System.exit (1); } } static private char bitsToChar (boolean [] bits) { check (bits.length == 7, "bitsToChar: input array must be seven bits"); int value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) { value *= 2; if (bits[i]) { value++; } } check (value >= 0 && value < 128, "Value out of range: " + value); return (char) value; } static public Vector /*boolean []*/ readFileBits (FileInputStream fin) { // Reads a file of "0" and "1" (characters) into a Vector // of 7-bit boolean arrays Vector res = new Vector (); int nbit = 0; try { boolean bits [] = new boolean [7]; int rchar; while ((rchar = ()) != -1) { if ((char) rchar == '0') { bits[nbit++] = false; } else if ((char) rchar == '1') { bits[nbit++] = true; } else if (Character.isWhitespace ((char) rchar)) { ; // okay, skip whitespace } else { check (false, "Bad character in file: " + (char) rchar); } if (nbit == 7) { res.add (bits); bits = new boolean[7]; nbit = 0; } } check (nbit == 0, "Incomplete data: " + nbit); } catch (Exception e) { check (false, "Exception reading file: " + e); } return res; } static String toBitString (Vector bits) { String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bits.size (); i++) { boolean [] current = (boolean []) bits.get (i); check (current.length == 7, "Bad bit array: " + current.length); for (int b = 0; b < 7; b++) { if (current[b]) { res += '1'; } else { res += '0'; } } res += ' '; } return res; } static String toAlphaString (Vector bits) { String res = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bits.size (); i++) { boolean [] current = (boolean []) bits.get (i); check (current.length == 7, "Bad bit array"); char c = bitsToChar (current); res += c; } return res; } static public void main (String args[]) { if (args.length != 2) { System.err.println ("Usage: java Pad "); } FileInputStream kfile; FileInputStream mfile; try { kfile = new FileInputStream (args[0]); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println ("Cannot open key file: " + e); System.exit (1); kfile = null; // Keep javac happy } try { mfile = new FileInputStream (args[1]); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println ("Cannot open message file: " + e); System.exit (1); mfile = null; // Keep javac happy } Vector /*[boolean []]*/ keybits = readFileBits (kfile); Vector /*[boolean []]*/ msgbits = readFileBits (mfile); // The key must be at least as long as the message check (keybits.size () >= msgbits.size (), "Message length is longer than key: " + keybits.size () + " key characters, " + msgbits.size () + " message characters."); Vector cipherbits = new Vector (); for (int i = 0; i < msgbits.size (); i++) { boolean [] key = (boolean []) keybits.get (i); boolean [] msg = (boolean []) msgbits.get (i); boolean [] cipher = new boolean [7]; check (key.length == 7, "Incorrect key length"); check (msg.length == 7, "Incorrect message length"); for (int b = 0; b < 7; b++) { cipher[b] = key[b] ^ msg[b]; // ^ is XOR } cipherbits.add (cipher); } System.out.println (toBitString (cipherbits)); System.out.println (toAlphaString (cipherbits)); } }