#!/bin/sh #set verbose # This script runs through a data set and extracts # raw tabular data for the web pages, then processes it a bit # for same. ARG=$1 DIR=`basename $1 .db` WWW=~/WorkSpace/STREAM/MASTER/WebSite AWK=awk ECHO=/bin/echo #echo "$0: argument is " $ARG #echo "$0: directory is " $DIR #echo "$0: www target is " $WWW # The files and their contents are: # Bandwidth - name, ncpus, COPY, SCALE, ADD, TRIAD # MFLOPS - name, ncpus, SCALE/16., ADD/24., TRIAD/12. # Balance - name, ncpus, TRIAD, ncpus*clock*(ops/clock)/TRIAD # Field Key: # 1 name # 2 ncpus # 3 bytes/word # 4 COPY # 5 SCALE # 6 ADD # 7 TRIAD # 8 Clock (MHz) # 9 Peak FP Ops/clock # 10 shared memory? # 11 distributed memory? # 12 Uniprocessor? # 13 Other? # 14 Experimental or assembly language results? # 15 obsolete/old/superceded? # 16 P (PC) / M (Mac) / N (other) / C (cluster) # 17 date # 18 link to html file containing original submission data #======================================================================= $ECHO " Building Bandwidth Table" rm -f $DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "STREAM Memory Bandwidth --- John D. McCalpin, mccalpin@cs.virginia.edu" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO -n "Revised to " >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl date >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "All results are in MB/s --- 1 MB=10^6 B, *not* 2^20 B" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "Sub. Date Machine ID ncpus COPY SCALE ADD TRIAD" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl # $AWK -F, '{printf("%-24s %5d %#8.1f %#8.1f %#8.1f %#8.1f data\n",$1,$2,$4,$5,$6,$7,$18)}' <$ARG >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $AWK -F, -f Bandwidth.awk <$ARG >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $ECHO "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/Bandwidth.tbl cat $DIR/.html_header $DIR/Bandwidth.tbl $DIR/.html_trailer >$DIR/Bandwidth.html cp $DIR/Bandwidth.html $WWW/$DIR #======================================================================= $ECHO " Building MFLOPS Table" rm -f $DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "STREAM Memory MFLOPS --- John D. McCalpin, mccalpin@cs.virginia.edu" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO -n "Revised to " >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl date >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "All results are in MFLOPS --- 1 MFLOPS=10^6 FP OPS/sec" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "Sub. Date Machine ID ncpus SCALE ADD TRIAD" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl #$AWK -F, '{printf("%-24s %5d %#8.1f %#8.1f %#8.1f\n",$1,$2,$5/16.,$6/24.,$7/12.)}' <$ARG >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $AWK -F, -f MFLOPS.awk <$ARG >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $ECHO "----------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/MFLOPS.tbl cat $DIR/.html_header $DIR/MFLOPS.tbl $DIR/.html_trailer >$DIR/MFLOPS.html cp $DIR/MFLOPS.html $WWW/$DIR #======================================================================= $ECHO " Building Balance Table" rm -f $DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "STREAM Machine Balance --- John D. McCalpin, mccalpin@cs.virginia.edu" >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO -n "Revised to " >>$DIR/Balance.tbl date >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "" >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "Balance is Peak MFLOPS divided by Triad Bandwidth in MW/s">>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "Submission System Peak BW Machine " >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "Date Machine ID ncpus MFLOPS (MW/s) Balance " >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/Balance.tbl #$AWK -F, '$8 > 0.0 && $9 > 0.0 && $7 > 0.0 {printf("%-24s %5d %#8.1f %#8.1f %#8.1f\n",$1,$2,$2*$8*$9,$7/$3,$2*$8*$9/($7/8.0))}' <$ARG >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $AWK -F, -f Balance.awk <$ARG >>$DIR/Balance.tbl $ECHO "------------------------------------------------------------------------------" >>$DIR/Balance.tbl cat $DIR/.html_header $DIR/Balance.tbl $DIR/.html_trailer >$DIR/Balance.html cp $DIR/Balance.html $WWW/$DIR #==================================================================