Re: Attainable memory bandwidth

From: Don Lewis (uunet.UU.NET!ssigv!lewis)
Date: Fri Sep 27 1991 - 21:44:26 CDT


f77 version 1.3.1 with no options:

Timing calibration ; t = 64.0000 clicks
Assignment: Rate = 25.0000 MB/s MFLOPS = 0.
Scaling: Rate = 15.5340 MB/s MFLOPS = 0.970874
Summing: Rate = 26.9663 MB/s MFLOPS = 1.12360
SAXPYing: Rate = 18.3206 MB/s MFLOPS = 1.52672

f77 version 1.3.1 with "-cg89 -dalign -libmil -O3" options

Timing calibration ; t = 36.0000 clicks
Assignment: Rate = 44.4445 MB/s MFLOPS = 0.
Scaling: Rate = 21.6216 MB/s MFLOPS = 1.35135
Summing: Rate = 45.2830 MB/s MFLOPS = 1.88679
SAXPYing: Rate = 23.5294 MB/s MFLOPS = 1.96078

Don "Truck" Lewis              Phone: +1 916 265-3211   Silicon Systems
Internet: (under contruction)  FAX:   +1 916 265-2931   138 New Mohawk Road
UUCP: {uunet,tektronix!}!ssigv!lewis  Nevada City, CA  95959

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