Win32/Linux port of STREAM

From: Chris Pirih (
Date: Thu May 09 1996 - 21:51:06 CDT

I've compiled this port in MS Visual C++ 2.0 and 4.0 and gcc 2.7.0
and run it in NT 3.51, Windows 95, and Linux. Porting to Windows
3.1 would be a lot more work, since it has no stdio and doesn't
deal with 32-bit pointers very well. I don't even know how to
allocate megabytes of RAM in DOS.

The only changes to stream_d.c are <sys/time.h> into <time.h>
and an array size to 1700000 (that's the largest array I could
use without continuous swapping in 64MB).

My version of second.c uses the clock() function.

I've also attached the results from my Triton-II based 133MHz
Pentium with 64MB of 60ns FPM RAM, running NT 3.51.


--- cut here ------ stream.c ------ cut here ---

# include <stdio.h> # include <math.h> # include <float.h> # include <limits.h> # include <time.h>

/* * Program: Stream * Programmer: Joe R. Zagar * Revision: 4.0-BETA, October 24, 1995 * Original code developed by John D. McCalpin * * This program measures memory transfer rates in MB/s for simple * computational kernels coded in C. These numbers reveal the quality * of code generation for simple uncacheable kernels as well as showing * the cost of floating-point operations relative to memory accesses. * * INSTRUCTIONS: * * 1) Stream requires a good bit of memory to run. Adjust the * value of 'N' (below) to give a 'timing calibration' of * at least 20 clock-ticks. This will provide rate estimates * that should be good to about 5% precision. */

# define N 1700000 # define NTIMES 10 # define OFFSET 0

/* * 3) Compile the code with full optimization. Many compilers * generate unreasonably bad code before the optimizer tightens * things up. If the results are unreasonably good, on the * other hand, the optimizer might be too smart for me! * * Try compiling with: * cc -O stream_d.c second.c -o stream_d -lm * * This is known to work on Cray, SGI, IBM, and Sun machines. * * * 4) Mail the results to * Be sure to include: * a) computer hardware model number and software revision * b) the compiler flags * c) all of the output from the test case. * Thanks! * */

# define HLINE "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"

# ifndef MIN # define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) # endif # ifndef MAX # define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) # endif

static double a[N+OFFSET], b[N+OFFSET], c[N+OFFSET];

static double rmstime[4] = {0}, maxtime[4] = {0}, mintime[4] = {FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX};

static char *label[4] = {"Assignment:", "Scaling :", "Summing :", "SAXPYing :"};

static double bytes[4] = { 2 * sizeof(double) * N, 2 * sizeof(double) * N, 3 * sizeof(double) * N, 3 * sizeof(double) * N };

extern double second();

int main() { int quantum, checktick(); int BytesPerWord; register int j, k; double scalar, t, times[4][NTIMES];

/* --- SETUP --- determine precision and check timing --- */

printf(HLINE); BytesPerWord = sizeof(double); printf("This system uses %d bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word.\n", BytesPerWord);

printf(HLINE); printf("Array size = %d, Offset = %d\n" , N, OFFSET); printf("Total memory required = %.1f MB.\n", (3 * N * BytesPerWord) / 1048576.0); printf("Each test is run %d times, but only\n", NTIMES); printf("the *best* time for each is used.\n");

/* Get initial value for system clock. */

for (j=0; j<N; j++) { a[j] = 1.0; b[j] = 2.0; c[j] = 0.0; }


if ( (quantum = checktick()) >= 1) printf("Your clock granularity/precision appears to be " "%d microseconds.\n", quantum); else printf("Your clock granularity appears to be " "less than one microsecond.\n");

t = second(); for (j = 0; j < N; j++) a[j] = 2.0E0 * a[j]; t = 1.0E6 * (second() - t);

printf("Each test below will take on the order" " of %d microseconds.\n", (int) t ); printf(" (= %d clock ticks)\n", (int) (t/quantum) ); printf("Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that\n"); printf("you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test.\n");


printf("WARNING: The above is only a rough guideline.\n"); printf("For best results, please be sure you know the\n"); printf("precision of your system timer.\n"); printf(HLINE); /* --- MAIN LOOP --- repeat test cases NTIMES times --- */

scalar = 3.0; for (k=0; k<NTIMES; k++) { times[0][k] = second(); for (j=0; j<N; j++) c[j] = a[j]; times[0][k] = second() - times[0][k]; times[1][k] = second(); for (j=0; j<N; j++) b[j] = scalar*c[j]; times[1][k] = second() - times[1][k]; times[2][k] = second(); for (j=0; j<N; j++) c[j] = a[j]+b[j]; times[2][k] = second() - times[2][k]; times[3][k] = second(); for (j=0; j<N; j++) a[j] = b[j]+scalar*c[j]; times[3][k] = second() - times[3][k]; } /* --- SUMMARY --- */

for (k=0; k<NTIMES; k++) { for (j=0; j<4; j++) { rmstime[j] = rmstime[j] + (times[j][k] * times[j][k]); mintime[j] = MIN(mintime[j], times[j][k]); maxtime[j] = MAX(maxtime[j], times[j][k]); } } printf("Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time\n"); for (j=0; j<4; j++) { rmstime[j] = sqrt(rmstime[j]/(double)NTIMES);

printf("%s%11.4f %11.4f %11.4f %11.4f\n", label[j], 1.0E-06 * bytes[j]/mintime[j], rmstime[j], mintime[j], maxtime[j]); } return 0; }

# define M 20

int checktick() { int i, minDelta, Delta; double t1, t2, timesfound[M];

/* Collect a sequence of M unique time values from the system. */

for (i = 0; i < M; i++) { t1 = second(); while( ((t2=second()) - t1) < 1.0E-6 ) ; timesfound[i] = t1 = t2; }

/* * Determine the minimum difference between these M values. * This result will be our estimate (in microseconds) for the * clock granularity. */

minDelta = 1000000; for (i = 1; i < M; i++) { Delta = (int)( 1.0E6 * (timesfound[i]-timesfound[i-1])); minDelta = MIN(minDelta, MAX(Delta,0)); }

return(minDelta); }

--- cut here ------ second.c ------ cut here ---

#include <time.h>

double second(void) { return (double)clock() / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; }

--- cut here ------ triton2_p133_60fpm.lst ------ cut here ---

------------------------------------------------------------- This system uses 8 bytes per DOUBLE PRECISION word. ------------------------------------------------------------- Array size = 1700000, Offset = 0 Total memory required = 38.9 MB. Each test is run 10 times, but only the *best* time for each is used. ------------------------------------------------------------- Your clock granularity/precision appears to be 9999 microseconds. Each test below will take on the order of 200000 microseconds. (= 20 clock ticks) Increase the size of the arrays if this shows that you are not getting at least 20 clock ticks per test. ------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: The above is only a rough guideline. For best results, please be sure you know the precision of your system timer. ------------------------------------------------------------- Function Rate (MB/s) RMS time Min time Max time Assignment: 93.4708 0.2974 0.2910 0.3010 Scaling : 113.3333 0.2404 0.2400 0.2410 Summing : 116.5714 0.3524 0.3500 0.3610 SAXPYing : 110.2703 0.3726 0.3700 0.3800

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