


Housing and parking





Pugh's Photos

Demographic survey



In a Box

























































Tuesday July 6, 2010 @ Zehmer Hall

Time Topic Facilitator
10:00 Socializing Jim Cohoon and Peggy Reed, CS
10:30 Welcoming Mary Lou Soffa, CS with Jim Cohoon, and Joanne McGrath Cohoon, STS
11:00 Icebreakers Robert Luciano, Pocono Mountain East High School, Swiftwater, PA
11:45 Lunch
Peggy Reed
12:30 The new AP
Jan Cuny and Camsie Matis, National Science Foundation, CS Principles, and National Lab Day
1:30 Gender and computing
Joanne McGrath Cohoon
2:45 Break/Housing
3:00 Data mining, CPE Malathi Veeraraghavan, CPE
4:00 CS Unplugged Lynn Lambert, Christopher Newport University, book download

Tuesday July 6, 2010 @ Observatory Hill

5:30 Dinner
6:30 Grounds tour University Guide Service

Wednesday July 7, 2010 @ Zehmer Hall

Time Topic Facilitator
8:15 Socializing Jim Cohoon and Peggy Reed
8:45 Logic groups Robert Luciano, Materials: CSTA
9:00 Thinking CS 1
Jim Cohoon, CS 1X website
and example survey
10:30 Break
10:45 Creative Lessons
Karen Davis, University of Cincinnati
Noon Lunch Current and former students
1:00 Recruiting for diversity
Joanne McGrath Cohoon, Slide deck for influencing colleagues and administrators
2:30 Break
2:45 Promising practices Seth Reichelson, DrJava
3:30 Cryptography abhi shelat, CS

Wednesday July 7, 2010 @ Old Cabell Hall

6:30 Banquet Dinner speaker Fred Smyth of Project Implict

Thursday July 8, 2009

Time Topic Facilitator
8:15 Socializing
8:45 Logic groups Robert Luciano, newsletter and article
9:15 Secret, Lies, and Digital Threats
Jack Davidson, CS
10:30 Break
10:45 Paired programming Mark Sherriff, CS
Materials: Pair learning, Pair forming
Noon Box lunch
1:00 Brain storming Jim Cohoon
2:00 Assessment