
Tapestry Workshop Series

Attracting and engaging diverse high school students to computing

2014 Offerings

June 24 - 26
   University of Virginia
   Charlottesville, VA
   Jim Cohoon and
       J. McGrath Cohoon

July 29 - 31
   University of California,
   Irvine, CA
   Debra Richardson and
       Julie Flapan

If you are interested in

  • Attracting more and diverse students into your high school Computer Science classes
  • Influencing the perceptions of students, parents, guidance counselors, administrators, and other teachers on the importance of your courses and the opportunities they provide
  • Engaging your students in the exciting and rewarding field of computing

You are invited to

  • Apply to attend one of two summer workshops on the better attraction and engagement of female students to computer science.


Thanks to the National Science Foundation, NCWIT, CSTA, and university sponsors, the workshops will be tuition-free with lodging and meals provided.

First-time Tapestry attendees who complete an entire workshop will be awarded honorariums of $1,000 to assist with time and travel costs, and to show appreciation for assessing the workshop program and activities.

Returning Tapestry attendees who complete an entire workshop will be awarded honorariums of $500 to assist with time and travel costs, and to show appreciation for assessing the workshop program and activities.

What is a Tapestry Workshop?

The goals of the workshop are to share strategies, research-based practices, and field-tested good ideas for teaching computer science in a way that reaches all students regardless of sex or ethnicity.

Workshop participants will

  • Explore activities for gaining the interest of all students
  • Interact with national experts on teaching and diversity practices
  • Meet university faculty desiring to serve as ambassadors to their schools
  • Form a network of like-minded people for ongoing discussion and development.


Interested in applying, applications are being taken now.


Questions about individual workshops should be directed to workshop contacts indicated to the left.

If you have questions about the Tapestry Workshops in general please contact J. McGrath Cohoon.