''' Purpose: demonstrate program user communication Author: Jim Cohoon Email id: jpc ''' # Send message to program user primn print( 'Hoos got your back' ) #print( "Anything" ) #print( 'Anything' ) #print( "CS 1112" # ) #Print() #Print with a capital P will not work. This is because print is a # specific built in function within Python that is just 'print()' # ^ This works too it will just print "CS 1112" # print( "Hoos got your back" ) # Just takes into account whatever is between the quotes # You can print a string using single quotes or double quotes. # The space between the parantheses is not taken into account when printing. # It will just print whatever is within the single quotes or double quotes. # Comments are not lines of code that execute and you can comment using hashtags. #CS1112 # Whitespace is overlooked in Python. You can just have whitespace to separate #Sections of code. #print("Hoos got your back") and print( "Hoos got your back" ) will print the # same thing either way. We just put a space within parantheses because it looks # more aesthetic. # print(" hooooooooos got your back") #notice the spaces? # Underscores are just used to name things within python like variables. # This will be the snake case we will use. #print("Yeahh"); print("CSSSS ") # That works but if you put them on separate lines, # It will just be better for you for line numbers. # Pycharm automatically saves the program. You don't have to save as you go.