''' Purpose: demonstrate string acquisition (the getting of input) ''' # get input # Now we get to interact with our programs. # We get information from the user using input. reply = input( 'Tell me what is on your mind: ' ) # Again, we set a variable reply to whatever the user types after the input prompt. # what is the input prompt? When you have input, it will request some input # from the user right? But it will again display whatever is inside the # parantheses to the console and wait for the reply from the user and store it # in reply as a string. print() response = 'That is interesting. Why is -- ' + reply + ' -- on your mind: ' # Why is there a "+"? This is called string concatenation. # It's what you use to glue strings together. reply = input( response ) # Did you see how response, which stored # that huge string of "that is interesting..." is the next input prompt? # and that you can give it user input after that? # DO NOT USE INPUTS AS PRINT STATEMENTS THEY'RE MEANT TO GET USER INFO print() print( 'Ohhh.' )