''' Purpose: function-based chresthomathics ''' def mood(): ''' Prints the current mood of the CS1112 TAs ''' print('Ready for the tournament!') def cheer( n ): ''' Prints n times the UVA cheer Go Hoos! ''' # for i in range( 0, n): # print( "Go Hoos!" ) my_cheer('Go Hoos!', n) def my_cheer(message, n): ''' Prints n times the cheer message ''' for i in range( 0, n ): print(message) def year_founded(): ''' Returns the year UVA was founded ''' y = 1819 return y def credits_to_take( credits_so_far ): ''' Returns the number of credits left to take for a college student ''' CLAS_REQUIRMENT = 120 needed = CLAS_REQUIRMENT - credits_so_far return needed