''' Purpose: demonstrate string acquisition (the getting of input) ''' # get input # input() function - HANDS BACK WHAT THE USER ENTERED AS A STRING # The string you type is stored in reply! # reply is assigned whatever the user typed EXACTLY # as they typed it # So if I put dabchick, reply = "dabchick" # Soooo input( 'Whatever Question I wanna put') is going to # basically put whatever is in the parenthesis in the console # and wait for the user to put something as input and hit enter! # It will not proceed until you hit enter! reply = input( 'Tell me a favorite word: ' ) print() # compute length of word # the len() function takes in a string and hands back the number of # character in that string. # len( "Nadia" ) is five characters right? So len("Nadia") is 5. n = len( reply ) # give feedback print( 'Did you know that', reply, 'has length', n )