''' Purpose: demonstrate the printing of a string of characters ''' # get a string of three letters reply = input( "Enter a three letter-string: " ) ### print the characters w1 = reply[ 0 ] w2 = reply[ 1 ] w3 = reply[ 2 ] print( w1 ) print( w2 ) print( w3 ) # get a string reply = input( "Enter a string: " ) ### print the characters for character in reply: print( character ) # FOR LOOPS # Sequences # Ranges (numbers), lists (elements), strings (characters) # A range is a sequence of numbers. # A list is a sequence of elements. # A string is a sequence of characters. # This won't go away! I would remember this ^^ # Examples: # for i in range(0,5): # goes from 0 to 4 # statements # s = "computer" # for character in s: