''' Purpose: use programmer-defined functions from module uva ''' # This program will use functions from uva.py (module with function definitions!) import uva # Let us use function year_founded() from uva.py n = uva.year_founded() # n stores return value of year_founded() print( n ) # Let us use function credits_to_go( number_of_credits_so_far) from uva.py reply = input( "How many credits do you have right now: " ) number = int( reply ) # You just need to pass the argument in as a number. We only int'd it because it was a string OUTSIDE the function # because we wanted to put it in our function call. n = uva.credits_to_go( number ) print( n ) # Let's use credits_per_semester_remaining( number_of_credits_so_far , number_semesters_so_far ) reply = input( "How many credits do you have right now: " ) number_credits = int( reply ) reply = input( "How many semesters do you have right now: " ) number_semesters = int( reply ) n = uva.credits_per_semester_remaining( number_credits, number_semesters ) print( n ) # We used functions from uva.py (module with function definitions) in rotunda