''' Purpose: demonstrate the processing numeric input ''' # get input reply = input( 'Enter rectangle width and height (integers): ' ) # split into components w_string, h_string = reply.split() # cast them to int - int() function! w = int( w_string ) h = int( h_string ) w, h = int( w_string ), int( h_string ) # Back to multiple assignment :) Assigning w,h (two variables at once) # and assigning them their respective values # So w gets the value of int(w_string) and h gets the value of int(h_string) # Remember that if you assign a variable a value again, the old value # just gets replaced by the new assignment value :) # When choosing variable names, be mindful of what you name them! # Name them things that just make sense - there's usually no specific # name unless we TELL you to name them something specific. # If I give you a problem with height, height is a good variable name # not like pizza = or like nadia = those are terrible variable names # compute area area = w * h # display result print( area )