# Header Comment ''' Purpose: demonstrate program user communication Author: Jim Cohoon Email id: jpc ''' # display haiku print( 'Camouflage not needed' ) # This print has a string inside of it # Remember strings are "something" or 'something' (single quotes # or double quotes) print() # This print has nothing inside! What does it do? # It prints.... a blank line! print( 'Do not be afraid' ) print( 'Do not hide what makes you, you' ) print( 'You are welcomed here' ) print() print ( ' -- JPC' ) print(3) print('3') # But.. these 3's aren't the same TYPE one is a number one is a string. print( 'CS', 1112, 11 ) print( "'CS'" ) # How to print quotes (apostrophes) in your quotes # This is printing multiple things! # Commas can help you print different types (because printed # a string and a number) and those things printed are separated by spaces. # printing things separated by commas will print each thing in one # line with a space in between each thing. # Strings are a bunch of characters in quotes. # A BUNCH more on strings to come!