# This right here is a header comment! ''' Purpose: demonstrate program user communication Author: Jim Cohoon Email id: jpc ''' # A string is a type in Python and you can use # single quotes or double quotes for strings . # "Professor Cohoon" 'Professor Cohoon' are both the # same string! More on strings later :) # Send message to program user print( 'Hoos got your back' ) # print() is a function! It will display the information # within the parentheses to the user (to your console on PyCharm) # when you run the program. # print ('Cohoon') # This is the same as the one under! # # whitespace below # print ( 'C o h o o n' ) # In this one we just put # a bunch of spaces in between the parentheses right? # Python only cares what's inside the quotes # when you're printing a string! Whitespace is ignored # and it's to make the code easier to read. # PyCharm is an IDE where you write code # and Python 3.7 (the program you have) # will RUN a python file (python code) and so the Python program # you open Python 3.7 will look like your console below. # PyCharm (writing code) -> Python (interpreter - run it) -> # Display in your console if you have print statements # Execute = Run # Python executes the code from the top to bottom. # Remember how Cohoon printed before C o h o o n ? # It's because we wrote the code for Cohoon before C o h o o n! # Also if you're still having issues running, PLEASE come # talk to us after class or something just so we can fix it asap # The console is your little window at the bottom. # This is where what you said you want to print is displayed! # Print('hoos got your back') # doesn't work! print() must be lowercase! # !!! Also ALL of these notes will be posted so # no need to write down everything I do! (check Meetings) # Comments start with a hashtag! # # Comments are NOT code. # Comments are just for your documentation of your code # They are not executed as code! # print('Nadia') # does nothing because it's a comment! If I uncomment it, # then it becomes code that will execute like line 14. :) # Hack: If you want to comment and uncomment multiple lines at # once, highlight the lines and Command / on Mac, Ctrl / on PC # If you have a question for our TAs in the back, # raise your hand and look towards the back to # signal its for a TA and a TA will come to you. # otherwise, you can just ask us up here in the front by # raising your hand and looking up here :)