''' Purpose: demonstrate string acquisition (the getting of input) ''' # get input reply = input( 'Tell me what is on your mind: ' ) # User input is stored in reply. "is superman colorblind" is stored in reply. print() # Prints a blank line # This is building up a string! I'm putting strings together using + # The term for using + for building up strings is CONCATENATION. prompt_for_more_info = 'Hmmm. Why is -- ' + reply + ' -- on your mind: ' # What's the +??? + works with numbers and with strings! # Strings: Concatenates (glues together) strings # 'professor ' + 'cohoon' becomes 'professor cohoon' # Numbers: Addition # print( prompt_for_more_info ) # This isn't input! This just puts the string # on the screen. reply = input( prompt_for_more_info ) print() response = 'Oh? I wish we had more time to chat. So long.' print( response )