''' Purpose: demonstrate the processing numeric input ''' # get input reply = input( 'Enter rectangle width and height (integers): ' ) # split into components w, h = reply.split() # So this takes '5 6' and splits it into ['5','6'] # w is assigned '5' and h is assigned '6' # In this case, reply.split() gives you a list of two things # So we need two variables to assign those two things ('5' and '6') to. # cast them to int - so now we can do math with w and h since they're # converted into numbers after line 19. w = int( w ) h = int( h ) # If you have it the other way, you do: # w , h = int(w), int(h) # MULTIPLE ASSIGNMENT - Make sure you have the same things on the left # as the number of things on the right # ex. x,y,z = 1,2,3 # This way each variable gets assigned a value. # compute area area = w * h # display result print( area )