''' Purpose: continue string manipulation introduction ''' print() a = 'petrichor' b = 'a b' c = 'a\tb' d = 'aren\'t' print ( "a = 'petrichor'" ) print ( "b = 'a b'" ) print ( "c = 'a\\tb'" ) print ( "d = 'aren\\\'t'" ) # \\ is just \ and \t is a tab and \' is ' # The length of an escape character is 1 charcter # \n is the newline character # \ is backslash / is foward slash # \ should be right above the Enter key print() print( 'a:', '\'' + a + '\'' ) print( 'b:', '\'' + b + '\'' ) print( 'c:', '\'' + c + '\'' ) print( 'd:', '\'' + d + '\'' ) print() na = len( a ) nb = len( b ) nc = len( c ) nd = len( d ) print( 'len( a ):', na ) print( 'len( b ):', nb ) print( 'len( c ):', nc ) print( 'len( d ):', nd )