# This is exam practice! # The exam is next Friday and will cover functions for the coding part! # this is an example of a calculation problem we might give you! DISTANCE_IN_MILES_TO_MOON = 238900 def h( x ) : ''' Returns how many hours it takes to get the moon when traveling x miles per hour. ''' elapsed_time = DISTANCE_IN_MILES_TO_MOON / x return elapsed_time ''' DO NOT MODIFY THE BELOW CODE ''' if ( __name__ == '__main__' ) : import luna v1 = 119.45; t1 = luna.h( v1 ); print( 'h(', v1, ') =', t1 ) v2 = 597.25; t2 = luna.h( v2 ); print( 'h(', v2, ') =', t2 )