''' Purpose: correct errant code Author: Jim Cohoon Id: jpc ''' print( 'We learn best, when we must invent. -- Jean Piaget' ) # Python runs each line sequentially (it won't run line 7 before line 2 if line 2 breaks!) # Remember that strings are in single quotes or double quotes! 'hi' or "hi" # Takeaways: # ''' ''' for header comment! # Make sure code starts at column 1 (leftmost side of the screen - no unexpected indents) # Single or double quotes for strings # Functions must have an opening and closing parentheses # You can put comments wherever! They are NOT code! They are NOT run! They're like notes in your code # it's just for you / anyone reading your code. :) # print('We learn best, when we must invent. -- Jean Piaget') also works - no space next to ( ) # That's a style WE use in this class ^ Style rule for aesthetics! # ''' ''' is a like a multiline comment! ''' # The first one is gray but every other one is green in PyCharm but they're all ''' ''' Hi This Is Another One ''' # This is a multiline comment ^ It does not run as code! 'clara' # THIS is not a comment - it's a string but we're not doing anything with this string (not printing it or anything) # In this class, we will use ''' ''' just for the header comment and # for any other comment usually. # Number Representation # Python cannot store an infinite amount of digits # We can only account for a FINITE number of digits (about 60 bits - 16/17 digits)