''' Purpose: use programmer-defined functions from module uva ''' import uva # get access to module being tested # test championship r1 = uva.championship() # r1 will store the return value of uva.championship() which is that string that we return in the function! r2 = uva.championship() print( 'r1=', r1 ) print( 'r2=', r2 ) print() # test did_uva_win reply = input( "Enter UVA score and opponent score: " ) cavaliers, opponent = reply.split() cavaliers, opponent = int( cavaliers ), int( opponent ) r3 = uva.did_uva_win( cavaliers, opponent ) # Pass in arguments uva and opponent as arguments print( 'did_uva_win(', cavaliers, ',', opponent, '):', r3 ) reply = input( "Enter UVA score and opponent score: " ) cavaliers, opponent = reply.split() cavaliers, opponent = int( cavaliers ), int( opponent ) r4 = uva.did_uva_win( cavaliers, opponent ) # Pass in arguments uva and opponent as arguments print( 'did_uva_win(', cavaliers, ',', opponent, '):', r4 ) # test third function #reply = input( "Enter ???: " ) #a, b = reply.split() #a, b = int( a ), int( b ) # #r3 = uva.xxx( a ) # #print( "xxx(", a, "):", r3 ) #print()