''' Purpose: Exercise module olio ''' import olio # uncomment below lines to test voting_age() # x and y store the return value of the function call voting_age from the module olio! # voting_age just returns 18 so 18 is stored in x and y x = olio.voting_age() y = olio.voting_age() print( x ) print( y ) print() # uncomment below lines to test has_blanks() line1 = input( 'Enter text: ' ) line2 = input( 'Enter text: ' ) # b1 and b2 store the return value of has_blanks( s ) which will be True or False b1 = olio.has_blanks( line1 ) b2 = olio.has_blanks( line2 ) print( b1 ) print( b2 ) print() # uncomment below lines to test great_seal() olio.great_seal() olio.great_seal() x = olio.great_seal() # x will store the return value of olio.great_seal() print() print( x ) # It will execute the function and print 'E Pluribus Unum' but the return value is None # ALL Python functions return something (either in an explicit return statement or None by default) # uncomment below lines to test a_ing() reply1 = input( 'Enter integer: ' ) reply2 = input( 'Enter integer: ' ) reply3 = input( 'Enter integer: ' ) nbr1 = int( reply1 ) nbr2 = int( reply2 ) nbr3 = int( reply3 ) olio.a_ing( nbr1 ) print() olio.a_ing( nbr2 ) print() olio.a_ing( nbr3 ) print()