''' Purpose: help introduce tester statement if ( __name__ == '__main__' ) ''' def f() : ''' Purpose: be a function ''' return 1112 ''' # test function f() # we can invoke/use the function we've defined in the same module result = f() print( 'testing result:', result ) ''' # don't modify this if you see this in your program file!!!! # testing within a "main" block # runs every time we import im_a_module # if we run the module that's the same name as im_a_module (this file - so run im_a_module) # then the __name__ variable is set to "__main__" # then we invoke the f() function # don't worry about this too much, it'll be written for you if ( __name__ == '__main__' ): # __name__ is a built in python variable. print( "__name__ =", __name__ ) import im_a_tester_program # it is set to the string '__main__' if # you are running the file as a program # it is set to the name of the file if # the file is being imported else: print("__name__ =", __name__)