''' Purpose: correct errant code Author: Jim Cohoon Id: jpc ''' # everything between the triple quotes are comments and are grayed out when you first use them # because python assumes that it's a comment # if you use triple quotes after the first time, it'll be green ''' still a comment-ish block but this is really a string to use in a code ''' # closing triple quotes can be anywhere after the comment block # you can close it off after the last line to make the block more visible print( '"We learn best, when we must invent." -- Jean Piaget' ) # what is wrong with this program and how do you fix it? # the programs won't run until all errors are gone # the red line tells you something is wrong # without quotes, it will be a command # you can have "" inside '' or '' inside "" # to start a string, have an opening single or double quote, the string will end with a matching # closing quote. Other types of quotes within the opening/closing quotes # are considered regular characters # read the instructions for the homework carefully # when you switch tabs, you need to do the whole Run process for each tab # or right click and choose Run for each tab