""" Purpose: demonstrate user communication - what does the program do? Author: Jim Cohoon - who made this? take credit for your code you work hard for it :) Email id: jpc put this at the top of every program you write just make it a habit triple quotes mean pycharm will ignore everything until there is another triple quote multi-line comment - this is only for people, the computer will ignore all of this having a multi-line comment is really handy so you can just give all the documentation for the program """ # python is a programming language and an app that runs the python code # Pycharm is an interactive development environment (IDE) and helps us get our grammar and syntax # we can write code in Pycharm and Pycharm can run it through Python for us and give us the output # IDEs are very nice and handy and you don't know how handy until you can't use them in CS 2150 oops i'm old :( #python is interpretive - runs from top to bottom # python doesn't care about comments at all, once a line starts with a # it will ignore everything after # this line is for humans, not the computer :) # python ignores whitespace (whitespace is just spaces, tabs, new lines - space without characters) # adding whitespace can help make your code more readable # print( "python won't like this") this statement starts in Column 2 # ALL statements should start in Column 1, unless they're part of a bigger statement (we'll look at these later!) # GOTCHA - whenever I use a function, I need to use parentheses # this_is_a_snake_case_comment # Send message to user # these are single line comments # use single or double quotes to your preference, just make sure it matches, can't have "statement' # strings are collections of characters in either 'single' or "double" quotes # if you want to have an apostrophe in your string, easier to use "double" quotes # we will not be approaching our computers' computing limits in this class, don't worry # you can change your pycharm theme on your own time, i'm partial to the dark theme myself # when we write our CS 1112 assignments, we add in padding on either side of parentheses # this is a STYLE rule, python does not care # do as many hours as it takes you to finish and understand the assignments # indentation helps us visually organize code, as we get more complex we'll have multi-line statements # I promise it will all make sense when we get there print( "All you need is love" ) # hey look we can put comments here too! # print() is a built-in function that we INVOKE on line 46 (column 1) # the print() function is used to display information inside the parentheses # functions are case sensitive, but we generally don't use capital letters in python # ALL the built-in functions in python are lowercase, Print() does not exist # you will have access to information during the exam # every time you run the code it saves. if you're worried it's file->save # these notes will be posted under artifacts on the class webpage # we are going to walk through accessing other libraries, eventually # everything is free, most CS classes are free # we will be teaching basic coding and problem solving in Python, if you want to use more languages keep taking CS classes # reading is really important. please read the website, read the notes, and read assignment details # PLEASE do not come to office hours before reading the assignment # parsing assignments and turning written directions into code is a really important skill