""" Purpose: demonstrate user communication Author: Jim Cohoon Email id: jpc This is the header comment that will include the purpose, author, and email ID. You will have this at the beginning of all of your homework assignments. No executable, for humans to understand your code. """ # Use the run button at the top to get the output in the console # Blank lines are called white space. They are useful for making your code read-able. # White space is also very useful in debugging. They separate lines of code. # <- these are used to make comments and can clue a human reader in about what you're # trying to do. # You should not have a super long comment that trails on and on and on and then eventually goes off the screen like this because then it is difficult to read code # Send message to user print( "All you need is love!" ) #You can put a comment here and it won't impact your output # print is a built-in function to python, you don't need a library for it # proper syntax for the "print()" function: print( 'texthere' ) <- texthere is the string # not: print('texthere') it looks crammed and hard to read # you can use "string" or 'string' either "" or '' works # the 'p' in print needs to be lowercase # print( "#" ) <- you can put as much space in between the () and it will run # However it is against the style rule above # if you put space inside the print( "# #") the spaces in between will show up in console Print( "# #" ) # snakecase is lowercase naming and using _ for spaces # if you make a mistake it will underline your code in red # If you make an error, the console will tell you which line is causing it and why # In the earlier case, that was "invalid syntax"