''' Purpose: demonstrate string acquisition (the getting of input) ''' reply = input( "Tell me what is on your mind: " ) # built-in function input() # input get's information from the user and stores it in the variable AS A STRING # type 3.7? that's stored as the numeric string "3.7" # the string inside the input() parenthesis is displayed in the console. similar to print(), but NOT a replacement for print() # use input() ONLY when you're getting input from user. do not use it to print things... that's what print() is for! # python executes line by line. so if we call input() on a certain line, all the code above that input() will have executed # and all the code below that input() call will NOT have executed yet (as the program will have paused, waiting for user input) # we will run the code, but it won't complete. ( have an exit code ) # until we hit enter, the program is paused. input() requires we hit enter to continue execution of the program print() print( "Hmmm ---", reply ) # prints the literal string "Hmmm ---" followed by the value of the variable reply # reply is the variable we stored the string response from input() in, so it's value is the string we typed in the console print() print( "That tells me a lot about you." ) print() print( "I wish we had more time to chat. So long." )