''' Purpose: demonstrate arithmetic and use of variables for naming things Something to remember: Python represents an integer as an int ''' # name some values a = ... # integer b = ... # integer c = ... # negative integer d = ... # decimal print() print( 'Values of interest' ) print() print( 'a =', a ) print( 'b =', b ) print( 'c =', c ) print( 'd =', d ) print() reply = input( 'Enter when ready: ' ) print() # perform and display some integer calculations total = a + b difference = a - b product = a * b dec_quotient = a / b int_quotient = a // b remainder = a % b power = a ** b print( 'a + b =', total ) print( 'a - b =', difference ) print( 'a * b =', product ) print( 'a / b =', dec_quotient ) print( 'a // b =', int_quotient ) print( 'a % b =', remainder ) print( 'a ** b =', power ) print() reply = input( 'Enter when ready: ' ) print() # introduce some other built-in functions abs_c = abs( c ) float_c = float( c ) int_d = int( d ) print( 'abs( c ) =', abs_c ) print( 'float( c ) =', float_c ) print( 'int( d ) =', int_d ) print()