''' Purpose: demonstrate program user communication Author: Jim Cohoon Email id: jpc ''' # Send message to program user <-- single line comment (python will ignore this) print( "can't" , "touch", "this" ) # This prints a literal # If you want to display a string of characters, you must put them in quotes (double or single, doesn't matter) # Cohoon rule: don't put operations inside of print statements # Algorithm - a solution to a problem # Properties: # Must be able to communicate it in its entirety (must not be infinite) # Must be deterministic (no ambiguity on what should take place) same input -> same output # Must be doable (it should run in finite time) # A program is an algorithm written in a certain language, like Python. # Syntax rule - describes what is legal code # Certain words are special # Every statement (by default) starts in column one (like where the p is in the print statement) # Print statements print things to the console. Whoever is running your program can then see something from your program # print() is a builtin function that python provides # Function - block of code that takes some arguments to perform its task. print() is an example, what you put in the # parentheses is what will be printed # If you're wondering what will happen if you run something, run it! If you still don't get it, then ask a question