''' Purpose: naming allows abstraction Author: Jim Cohoon ID: jpc ''' # this is telling python that you want to be able to do some stuff import math # this is asking python to use its math library in order to do fancy math things # In every program you want to use math, you have to import math. # You only have to put the import math statement once in the program. # Standard libs are included with python # You can include other .py files using import (This will come later) print() print( 'Python approximation of π:', math.pi ) print( 'Python approximation of Euler\'s number:', math.e ) print() print() a = math.radians( 30 ) b = math.radians( 45 ) print( 'sin( 30 ):', math.sin( a ) ) print( 'tan( 45 ):', math.tan( b ) ) print() #remember_pi = math.pi math.pi = 3 # uh oh..... print ( math.pi ) # this is not good #print( remember_pi ) # DON'T DO THIS. IT WILL MAKE YOU CRY! # Every math.pi after line 33 is changed; the others are still safe but AGAIN DONT DO IT!