Class 6 – Monday, January 29

Fearlessly we march on — strings and input

A sign for knowing — what the future asks of us — demands we act now

Look both ways



General requirements (again)

Enquiring minds want to know



What is something you consume daily? slices of cheese

Enter slices of cheese consumed on a normal weekday: 4

Enter slices of cheese consumed on a normal weekend day: 12

You consume 2288 slices of cheese per year.

What is something you consume daily? paper napkins

Enter paper napkins consumed on a normal weekday: 6

Enter paper napkins consumed on a normal weekend day: 0

You consume 1560 paper napkins per year.

To do list


Warning: fopen(/l/cs1112/public_html/defs/htm/181-trailer): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /l/cs1112/public_html/defs/php/read.php on line 5
Unable to open file!