''' Purpose: determine the worth of a piggy bank Problem statement: Prompt user respectively for four values: a number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. Then compute and display how much the indicated coins are worth. Checker(s): ''' # get inputs reply = input( 'Number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies: ' ) # split the input q, d, n, p = reply.split() # convert the input to int's q, d, n, p = int( q ), int( d ), int( n ), int( p ) # echo the input print( 'Coinage') print( '\t', q, 'quarters') print( '\t', d, 'dimes') print( '\t', n, 'nickles') print( '\t', p, 'pennies') #compute worth worth = (0.25 * q ) + ( 0.10 * d ) + ( 0.05 * n ) + ( 0.01 * p ) #print worth print( worth )