''' Purpose: introduce lists ''' #import pause # get text and convert to list form reply = input( 'Enter text: ' ) strings = reply.split() print( 'reply = \'' + reply + '\'' ) print( 'strings =', strings ) print() # get text and convert to list form reply = input( 'Just hit enter: ' ) print() strings = reply.split() print( 'reply = \'' + reply + '\'' ) print( 'strings =', strings ) input() # get text and convert to list form and print words one by one reply = input( 'Enter text: ' ) strings = reply.split() for w in strings: print( w ) input() # get numeric text and convert to numbers reply = input( 'Enter a list of numbers: ' ) numeric_strings = reply.split() print( 'reply =', reply ) print( 'numeric_strings =', numeric_strings ) input() numbers = [] for ns in numeric_strings: number = int( ns ) numbers.append( number ) print( 'numbers = ', numbers ) input() total = 0 for number in numbers: total = total + number print( total ) # get numeric text and convert to numbers reply = input( 'Enter a list of numbers: ' ) nbrs = reply.split() print( 'reply =', reply ) print( 'nbrs =', nbrs ) input() n = len( nbrs ) ...