''' Purpose: provide overlay of pillow support ''' from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageTk # We are going to get started with Pillow, which has capabilities with Images. import tkinter from tkinter import * def get_blank_image( dim, bg="#000000" ) : ''' Returns a new image with dimensions w by h ''' from PIL import Image img = Image.new( "RGB", dim, bg ) return img def show( img ) : ''' Display img to screen ''' img.show() def get_selfie( person ) : ''' Returns a new copy of the cs 1112 of selfied uploaded by person ''' PEOPLE_FOLDER = "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~cs1112/people/" link = PEOPLE_FOLDER + person + "/selfie.jpg" img = get_image( link ) return img def get_image( link ) : ''' Returns a new copy of the image at link ''' import urllib.request, io from PIL import Image stream = urllib.request.urlopen( link ) data = stream.read() pixels = io.BytesIO( data ) img = Image.open( pixels ) img = img.convert('RGB') #load_canvas( img ) return img def get_size( img ) : ''' Returns the dimensions of img ''' return img.size def set_pixel( img, xy, c ) : ''' Sets the spot xy in img to color c ''' img.putpixel( xy, c ) # update_canvas( img ) def get_pixel( img, xy ) : ''' Gets the color at spot xy in img ''' img.getpixel( xy ) def resize( img, max_w, max_h ) : ''' Scales img to ensure that it fits within a max_w x max_h box ''' w, h = img.size scale_w = w / max_w scale_h = h / max_h scale = max( scale_w, scale_h ) if ( scale > 1 ) : w = int( w / scale ) h = int( h / scale ) img = img.resize( ( w, h ) ).convert( 'RGB' ) return img ### ---- # define globals and initialize global canvas, image, board, tk_img, root, container canvas = None image = None tk_img = None root = None container = None def load_canvas( img, update=None ) : global root, container, tk_img, canvas w, h = img.size cw, ch = w + 125, h + 75 root = Tk() root.title( "" ) container = Frame( root, width=cw, height=ch, bg="#000000" ) container.pack_propagate( 0 ) container.pack() tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) canvas = tkinter.Label( container, image=tk_img ) canvas.image = tk_img canvas.source = img canvas.config() canvas.pack() if ( update != None ) : refresh( img, f ) root.mainloop() return canvas def update_canvas( img ) : from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageTk global canvas tk_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage( img ) canvas.image = tk_img canvas.source = img #initialize() #img = get_blank_image( (600,800), "Navy" ) #img = get_image( "http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~cs1112/images/ycdi.png" );