#URL Problem (details!)(types_) #min and max import url CSV_FOLDER = ... reply = input('Enter dataset name: ') name = reply.strip() link = CSV_FOLDER + name dataset = url.get_dataset(link) min_accumulator = [] max_accumulator = [] for row in dataset: min_in_row = min(row) max_in_row = max(row) min_accumulator.append(min_in_row) max_accumulator.append(max_in_row) print(min_in_row, max_in_row) overall_min = min(min_accumulator) overall_max = max(max_accumulator) new_dataset = [] for row in dataset: new_row = [] for cell in row: #do stuff like add all the strings together, create a new dataset, etc v = abs(cell) new_row.append(v) print(v) # prints new cell new_dataset.append(new_row) print(new_row) #prints new row print(new_dataset) #prints dataset #Nested Loops (tables) #CSV # When loops????? # Fall 17 #23 # header comments will be given # comments help you... i would put comments if you have time # if you don't have time to finish a program; I would write some comments # explaining explaining what you would do; could get you some partial credit # F17 5 # random # random.seed(), random.randrange(start, end), random.choice(sequence), # random.random() # no AND / OR on test #indexing and slicing #tail.py n = ... lines = url.get_lines(link) nmbr_lines = len(lines) start = max(0, nmbr_lines-n) for i in range(start, nmbr_lines): row = lines[i] print(row) the_lines = lines[start:] for s in the_lines: print(s)