''' Purpose: practice mindful chrestomathics ------- Author: Email id: Assistance / checker: ''' # Global standard seconds_per_minute = 60 # we learned this in grade school # UVA standard nbr_MWF_classes = 42 # the number of MWF meetings in a semester # CS1112 standard minutes_per_class = 75 # 2:00 - 3:15 = 75 minutes # Determine number of seconds spent in CS 1112 this semester # Your code contribution correctly initialize seconds_of_1112 to the # number of seconds to be spent in CS 1112 class meetings this semester. # Do so, by replacing the ellipsis (...) with a numerical, multiplicative # expression that makes use of the above variables seconds_of_1112 = ... # Python allows the use of ... as a placeholder print( "CS 1112: from 0 to programmer in", seconds_of_1112, "seconds." )