Very important

Amusingly important

Most important — We are UVA!

We are CS 1112


Things to be done by Tuesday, August 27

Haikus have three lines
Five, seven, five syllables
As their iambics

The poem must be "handed-in" using the class upload mechanism. If you are wondering why it must be done by Sunday – we create a web document of the haikus for discussion on the first day of class. It also ensures that you are able to use the class submission system. Submissions that are not haikus will receive minimal credit.

Things to be done before class on Wednesday, August 28

While you are it — you ought to be in pictures

Want to improve your life overall and your studenthood in particular

Do you ever think you are an impostor? Wonder whether UVA should have accepted you?

My hero takes baby steps

bill murray as bob

Read me




  © 2019 Jim Cohoon   Resources from previous semesters are available.