Class 4 – Wednesday, September 4

Variation on a theme

A variable — Is like a box or a name — We must all know this

That Black Lives Matter — Should be so easy to grasp — People are people

Look both ways


Just report it

In-class comportment


Important questions

Problems of the day

What the solution offers

  • Basic understanding of variables and assignment.

Check out

What the solution offers

  • The ability to update is crucial when problem solving.

What the solution offers

  • Examines some nuances of the assignment operator.
  • The final version of the program updates the value of variables in terms of themselves; ie., number of rabbits doubles each generation and the generation number is an increment of the previous generation value.


  • Prompt and get a word of interest from user user
  • Compute the length of the word
  • Output a message about the length of the word

What the solution offers

  • Introduces built-in function input(). When the function is invoked, its argument is printed to the display, the entry supplied by the user in response to that message is the value of the invocation. The input() function always returns the user reply as a string.
  • The input() function allows programs to be interactive; i.e., their actions can be influenced by the user. The input() function enables Python to do general problem solving.

Three possible program runs

Tell me a favorite word: rhythms


Did you know that rhythms has length 7

Tell me a favorite word: strengths


Did you know that strengths has length 9

Tell me a favorite word: squirreled


Did you know that squirreled has length 10


  • Prompt and get what is on the user’s mind
  • Prompt and get why the first reply is on their mind.
  • Print an out of time message

What the solution offers

  • Introduces the str type operator +. The + operator when evaluated with two strings as its operands, produces as its value, their concatenation.
  • Another use of the built-in function input().
  • Creates and uses an input prompt that makes use of a prior input.

Three possible program runs

Tell me what is on your mind: I worry about the future


Hmmm. Why is -- I worry about the future -- on your mind: Because it it coming


Oh? I wish we had more time to chat. So long.

Tell me what is on your mind: A fluttering butterfly


Hmmm. Why is -- A fluttering butterfly -- on your mind: I do not want rain


Oh? I wish we had more time to chat. So long.

Tell me what is on your mind: Is superman colorblind


Hmmm. Why is -- Is superman colorblind -- on your mind: To account for fashion sense


Oh? I wish we had more time to chat. So long.


  • Prompt and get an integer number (the base for the computation)
  • Prompt and get a decimal number (the exponent for the computation)
  • Compute the value of the integer to power of the decimal number
  • Print the result of the computation

What the solution offers

  • Uses the built-in cast functions int() and float() to convert numeric strings into the numbers they represent.
  • The final version of the program shows the two casts using built-in functions int() and float() to convert the supplied string-based inputs into numerics.

Three possible program runs

Enter base (integer): 2

Enter exponent (decimal): 0.5



Enter base (integer): 11

Enter exponent (decimal): 3.14



Enter base (integer): 9

Enter exponent (decimal): 99.9



To do list

wikimedia creative commons license rabbits galore

wikimedia creative commons license dabchick




  © 2019 Jim Cohoon   Resources from previous semesters are available.