''' Purpose: better experience functional development ''' # helpful named strings PUNCTUATION = '''!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~''' WHITE_SPACE = ' \t\n\r\v\f' EXTRANEOUS = PUNCTUATION + WHITE_SPACE def lower( strings ) : ''' Returns a new list whose elements are lower case versions of those in strings ''' pass def unique( strings ) : ''' Returns a new version of strings without any duplicate values ''' pass def strip( strings ) : ''' Returns a new version of strings where the corresponding elements have leading and trailing extraneous characters (punctuation or whitespace) removed ''' pass def canonical( strings ) : ''' Returns a new version of strings without duplicate values where the corresponding elements have leading and trailing extraneous characters (punctuation or whitespace) removed and are in lowercase ''' pass