Assignments Due

Two especially useful DrScheme commands:
  • [Tab] — Press the [Tab] key for DrScheme to indent your code structurally. All your code should be divided into logical lines that fit in the page with, and indented to show its structure clearly. To indent all your definitions, use Ctrl-I.
  • Esc-P — In the interactions window, use Esc-P to retrieve your last command. To go further back, press Esc-P again. This saves typing when you are trying different things.

Evaluation Rules

Using the evaluation rules (from last class and Chapter 3), explain (in tediously gory detail!) how each of these expressions is evaluated (for some expressions, you may need more space than is available here):
  1. true

  2. (* 2 (+ 1 2))

  3. (lambda () true)

  4. ((lambda () true) 3)

  5. ((lambda (a) (+ a a)) 3)

  6. (((lambda (a) (lambda (b) (+ a b))) 1) 2)

Defining Procedures
  • First, make sure you know what the procedure is intended to do. You should know what the inputs are (and what types of values they are), and what type of value the output is (e.g., a procedure, a number, a list). You should also have some example inputs and outputs in mind.
  • Before worrying about the code, think in English how you will solve the problem.
  • Define the procedure.
  • Test your procedure with the example inputs and outputs. Think about any tricky cases that you should also test.

Procedure Practice

Xor. Define a procedure, xor, that implements the logical exclusive-or operation. The xor function takes two inputs, and outputs true if exactly one of those outputs has a true value. Otherwise, it outputs false. For example, (xor true true) should evaluate to false and (xor (< 3 5) (= 8 9)) should evaluate to true. (Exercise 3.8 from book)

Middle. Define a procedure, middle, that takes three numbers as inputs, and outputs outputs the number that is in the middle. For example, (middle 1 2 3) should evaluate to 2 and (middle 1120 150 200) should evaluate to 200. (Before defining your procedure, consider carefully if the problem is sufficiently well defined.)