;;; ;;; curve.ss ;;; UVA CS200 Spring 2002 ;;; Problem Set 2 ;;; ;;; Version 1.0.1 (require-library "graphics.ss" "graphics") ;;; Load the graphics library (require-library "trace.ss") ;;; ;;; Constants ;;; (define window-width 600) ;;; Display window width (define window-height 600) ;;; Display window height ;;; Angles (define pi/4 (atan 1 1)) (define pi (* 4 pi/4)) (define -pi (- pi)) (define 2pi (* 2 pi)) ;;; ;;; Points ;;; (define (make-point x y) (lambda (bit) (if bit x y))) (define (x-of-point point) (point #t)) (define (y-of-point point) (point #f)) (define (show-point point) (list (x-of-point point) (y-of-point point))) ;;; ;;; Drawing a curve ;;; (define (draw-curve-points curve n) (define (worker t step) (if (<= t 1.0) (begin (window-draw-point (curve t)) (worker (+ t step) step)))) (worker 0.0 (/ 1 n))) (define (draw-curve-connected curve n) (define (worker t step) (if (<= t 1.0) (begin (window-draw-line (curve t) (curve (+ t step))) (worker (+ t step) step)))) (worker 0.0 (/ 1 n))) ;;; ;;; Some simple curves ;;;; (define (mid-line t) (make-point t 0.5)) (define (unit-circle t) (make-point (sin (* 2pi t)) (cos (* 2pi t)))) (define (unit-line t) (make-point t 0.0)) (define (mid-line-orig t) (make-point t 0.5)) ;;; ;;; Functions for transforming curves into new curves. ;;; (define (translate curve x y) (lambda (t) (make-point (+ x (x-of-point (curve t))) (+ y (y-of-point (curve t)))))) (define (rotate-ccw curve) (lambda (t) (make-point (- (y-of-point (curve t))) (x-of-point (curve t))))) (define (flip-vertically curve) (lambda (t) (make-point (* -1 (x-of-point (curve t))) (y-of-point (curve t))))) (define (shrink curve scale) (lambda (t) (make-point (* scale (x-of-point (curve t))) (* scale (y-of-point (curve t)))))) (define (first-half curve) (lambda (t) (curve (/ t 2)))) (define (compose f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x)))) (define rotate-cw (compose rotate-ccw flip-vertically)) (define (degrees-to-radians degrees) (/ (* degrees pi) 180)) ;;; ;;; rotate-around-origin counterclockwise by theta degrees ;;; (No need to worry about the geometry math for this.) ;;; (define (rotate-around-origin curve theta) (let ((cth (cos (degrees-to-radians theta))) (sth (sin (degrees-to-radians theta)))) (lambda (t) (let ((x (x-of-point (curve t))) (y (y-of-point (curve t)))) (make-point (- (* cth x) (* sth y)) (+ (* sth x) (* cth y))))))) ;;; ;;; Scale a curve ;;; (define (scale-x-y curve x-scale y-scale) (lambda (t) (make-point (* x-scale (x-of-point (curve t))) (* y-scale (y-of-point (curve t)))))) ;;; scale symmetrically (define (scale curve s) (scale-x-y curve s s)) ;;; squeeze-rectangular-portion translates and scales a curve ;;; so the portion of the curve in the rectangle ;;; with corners xlo xhi ylo yhi will appear in a display window ;;; which has x, y coordinates from 0 to 1. (define (squeeze-rectangular-portion curve xlo xhi ylo yhi) (scale-x-y (translate curve (- xlo) (- ylo)) (/ 1 (- xhi xlo)) (/ 1 (- yhi ylo)))) ;;; ;;; put-in-standard-position transforms a curve so that it starts at ;;; (0,0) ends at (1,0). ;;; ;;; A curve is put-in-standard-position by rigidly translating it so its ;;; start point is at the origin, then rotating it about the origin to put ;;; its endpoint on the x axis, then scaling it to put the endpoint at (1,0). (define (put-in-standard-position curve) (let* ((start-point (curve 0 (color-of-point curve))) (curve-started-at-origin (((translate (- (x-of-point start-point)) (- (y-of-point start-point))) curve))) (new-end-point (curve-started-at-origin 1)) (theta (atan (y-of-point new-end-point) (x-of-point new-end-point))) (curve-ended-at-x-axis ((rotate-around-origin (- theta)) curve-started-at-origin)) (end-point-on-x-axis (x-of-point (curve-ended-at-x-axis 1)))) ((scale (/ 1 end-point-on-x-axis)) curve-ended-at-x-axis))) ;;; ;;; connect-rigidly makes a curve consisting of curve1 followed by curve2. ;;; (define (connect-rigidly curve1 curve2) (lambda (t) (if (< t (/ 1 2)) (curve1 (* 2 t)) (curve2 (- (* 2 t) 1))))) ;;; ;;; Gosper Curves ;;; (define (gosperize curve) (let ((scaled-curve (scale-x-y curve (/ (sqrt 2) 2) (/ (sqrt 2) 2)))) (connect-rigidly (rotate-around-origin scaled-curve 45) (translate (rotate-around-origin scaled-curve -45) .5 .5)))) ;;; ;;; gosper-curve produces the gosper curve of level given by its parameter ;;; (define (gosper-curve level) ((n-times gosperize level) unit-line)) ;;; ;;; show-connected-gosper ;;; (define (show-connected-gosper level) (draw-curve-connected (squeeze-rectangular-portion (gosper-curve level) -.5 1.5 -.5 1.5) 1000)) ;; Parameterized Gosper (define (angle-at lev) (/ 90 2)) (define (param-gosper level angle-at) (if (= level 0) unit-line ((param-gosperize (angle-at level)) (param-gosper (- level 1) angle-at)))) (define (param-gosperize theta) (lambda (curve) (let ((scale-factor (/ (/ 1 (cos theta)) 2))) (let ((scaled-curve ((scale scale-factor) curve))) (connect-rigidly ((rotate-around-origin theta) scaled-curve) ((translate .5 (* (sin theta) scale-factor)) ((rotate-around-origin (- theta)) scaled-curve))))))) ;;; ;;; window functions ;;; (define (make-window width height name) (open-viewport name width height)) (define (close-window window) (close-viewport window)) (define (graphics-clear) ((clear-viewport window))) ;;; ;;; We need to convert a position in a (0.0, 0.0) - (1.0, 1.0) coordinate ;;; system to a position in a (0, window-height) - (window-width, 0) coordinate ;;; system. Note that the Viewport coordinates are upside down. ;;; (define (convert-posn posn) (make-posn (* (posn-x posn) window-width) (- window-height (* window-height (posn-y posn))))) ;;; Draw a line on window from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) ;;; Passed values are in the unit (0.0, 0.0) - (1.0, 1.0) coordinate system. (define (window-draw-line point0 point1) (let ((x0 (x-of-point point0)) (y0 (y-of-point point0)) (x1 (x-of-point point1)) (y1 (y-of-point point1))) (if (or (< x0 0.0) (> x0 1.0)) (printf "Warning: point x0 coordinate is out of range (should be between 0.0 and 1.0): ~a~n" x0)) (if (or (< y0 0.0) (> y0 1.0)) (printf "Warning: point y0 coordinate is out of range (should be between 0.0 and 1.0): ~a~n" y0)) (if (or (< x1 0.0) (> x1 1.0)) (printf "Warning: point x1 coordinate is out of range (should be between 0.0 and 1.0): ~a~n" x1)) (if (or (< y1 0.0) (> y1 1.0)) (printf "Warning: point y1 coordinate is out of range (should be between 0.0 and 1.0): ~a~n" y1)) ((draw-line window) ;;; evaluates to function for drawing on window (convert-posn (make-posn x0 y0)) ;;; convert the (x0, y0) position to the viewport coordinates (convert-posn (make-posn x1 y1))))) ;;; convert the (x1, y1) position to the viewport coordinates (define (window-draw-point point) (let ((x (x-of-point point)) (y (y-of-point point))) (if (or (< x 0.0) (> x 1.0)) (printf "Warning: point x coordinate is out of range (should be between 0.0 and 1.0): ~a~n" x)) (if (or (< y 0.0) (> y 1.0)) (printf "Warning: point y coordinate is out of range (should be between 0.0 and 1.0): ~a~n" y)) ((draw-pixel window) (convert-posn (make-posn x y))))) ;;; ;;; Set up a graphics window ;;; (close-graphics) (open-graphics) ;;; This window is hard coded into the drawing routines, so we don't need to remember ;;; to pass it. (define window (make-window window-width window-height "CS 200 Curves"))