;;; ;;; ps7.ss ;;; CS200 Problem Set 7 ;;; ;;; Template for PS7 - put all the code you change in this file. ;;; (require (lib "trace.ss")) (load "listprocs.ss") (load "meval.ss") ;;; ;;; Question 1: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 2: ;;; ;;; You will need to change meval (from meval.ss). Make your changes here so you don't need to ;;; turn in all of meval.ss. (define (meval expr env) (cond ((self-evaluating? expr) expr) ((quoted? expr) (text-of-quotation expr)) ((definition? expr) (define-variable! (definition-variable expr) (meval (definition-value expr) env) env)) ((lambda? expr) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters expr) (lambda-body expr) env)) ((application? expr) (mapply (meval (application-operator expr) env) (map (lambda (subexpr) (meval subexpr env)) (application-operands expr)))) ((variable? expr) (environment-lookup-name expr env)) (else (error "Unrecognized expression: " expr)))) ;;; ;;; Question 3: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 4: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 5: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 6: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 7: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 8: ;;; ;;; ;;; Question 9: ;;; ;;; If you make changes in pegboard.ss and print out the whole file, make sure ;;; to CLEARLY MARK the changes you made.